Radiant Life Blog

Close up image of woman applying product to cheek

Antioxidants In Skin Care: The Anti-Aging Ingredient You Can’t Live Without

Why antioxidants are your skin's best friend?

Women caught in midair jump across sandy beach

10 Tips to Help You Stay Healthy While Traveling

Whether it’s a cold or feeling jetlagged, getting sick during a vacation is the worst. Here’s what to do to stay energetic and healthy.

Woman holding her forehead, frowning because she has a headache

Prevent Headaches With These 3 Lifestyle Changes

June is National Migraine & Headache Awareness Month and a time to reassess what you can do to prevent headaches naturally.

Woman holding unidentified cosmetic product in her hand

Microbeads: The Beginning Of The End For Plastics In Our Products

The ban on tiny plastic microbeads in health and beauty products takes effects. And it couldn’t have happened soon enough.